What are telangiectasias (spider veins)?
Telangiectasias are small, widened blood vessels in the outer layer of the skin.
The skin looks like spider webs or tree branches creating an unaesthetic aspect.
What do they look like?
They may be red or blue thin vessels and usually do not cause any symptoms.
What areas can be affected by Spider veins?
Spider veins can appear in various parts of the body, including the face, the calves, inside or on top of the thigh and around the ankles.
The primary cause of their appearance on the face area is the excessive sun exposure.
Moreover, they tend to get worse with injuries, each successive pregnancy and as you get older.

How are spider veins treated?
There are 2 types of treatment applied depending upon the extent and severity of the spider veins.
- Sclerotherapy involves the direct injection of a sclerosing agent into the vessels using a very fine needle. This substance irritates the vein tissue, causing the lining of the vein to swell, harden and eventually seal off, causing its “disappearance”. It is not a painful procedure and can be applied all over the year. Our Clinic offers this treatment using the Venoscope® II. Venoscope® II transilluminator is an innovative medical device that allows to locate easily the hard to find veins. When placed onto the surface of the skin, its high-intensity light projects into the subcutaneous tissue, creating contrast between the veins and surrounding tissue, making it easier to locate veins suitable for sclerotherapy.
- TheLaser treatments are being used as an alternative to or to complement sclerotherapy for spider veins. The Laser is sending strong bursts of light into the vein that make the vein slowly disappear.
The combination of these two treatments is usually more effective.
Laser can treat succesful the very fine veins that can appear on the nose, cheeks and chin, areas that sclerotherapy can not be applied.
Is it a painful treatment?
The treatment may produce a minor discomfort in the treated area.
What about the side effects?
The side effects include minor temporary redness, itching or swelling around the treated area for 4-5 days.
How many sessions are needed?
For facial telangiectasias are required less sessions than the Spider Veins of the lower extremities.
Generally, 3-4 sessions are needed.
How soon can I return to my normal routine?
You can easy return to your daily activities, but you have to apply sunscreen cream on the treated area.
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